I think that Leonardo da Vinci can be categorized as a true Renaissance man in several ways. To me, a Renaissance man is someone who played a major role during the Renaissance time. Da Vinci can fill almost every aspect of the Renaissance; architecture, art, invention, religion, science, math, literature and many more. He was interested and successful in all of these things, and when you think about it, there are a variety of events and milestones that took place during the Renaissance, that would probably not have occurred without da Vinci. While touring the “Da Vinci” exhibit and reading the textbook, I was able to see the wide range of interests that da Vinci had. There were an extreme amount of inventions and ideas that Leonardo had thought up and sketched. For example, machines to lift heavy loads several stories high, “wings” so that man could fly, and he also had numerous sketches of the human form, and ways to show, in a painting, that it was a three-dimensional figure. Da Vinci also contributed greatly to the incredible collection of artwork done during the Renaissance. The Mona Lisa, the Last Supper, and the Virgin of the Rocks are among a few works that really reflect on Leonardo’s artistic skills. These are just a few examples of the many contributions da Vinci made to the Renaissance. Whether it be creating pictures, observing nature, or designing tools, Leonardo da Vinci gave an incredible amount of valuable knowledge that allowed the Renaissance to grow and prosper. Therefore, da Vinci can truly be characterised as a Renaissance man.
Leonardo da Vinci: The Last Supper